The right one...
We are always searching for them. We wonder who they are and what they will be like. We proclaim our ideas of the true right one. We give them an identity. An identity that is always changing as we try to discover who the right one is for us. We want the one that is our "type" and fits our "list." We may sit alone, waiting and waiting, imagining the "perfect person" God has picked out for us.
We may meet someone and be floored. They are perfect they may even be right for you in ways you hadn't even known were just your type. You list off to your friends how there couldn't be anyone who matched your "right ones" criteria any more. Then it doesn't work out, they aren't interested, they have a bad side, or the differences are too much. That must not have been the one God wanted me with. We move on and meet someone else. Compare them, add and delete features from our list, move some items to not as important, some to more important.
Where does this all lead us? We end up confused. What had we really wanted? What was the right type? We wonder will the "right one" be the dream idea I used to have when I was 13. Or will they be more like how I pictured when I was 17, 20, 30 etc. Are they the drop dead beauty, the brainiac, the cute but goofy one. We have chased after so many dreams. What was it in the end we really wanted.
Then there are the ones who seem to find them. They get married settle down and live a blissful life. But unless they've figured out the truth, they still aren't satisfied. Either they turn away from their partner, determining it must never have been right, or they set off on another search. Maybe its kids, the right house, the right car, the right career. There is always something keeping us going, looking for that something.
As we search and search we distract ourselves from what is right before us. The relationship that will quench that longing. We miss the perfection we searched so hard for and tried so many times to define. Until we realize that God is the one, the thing, the fulfillment of our hearts very desire, we will continue to be unsatisfied in all we meet as we try to figure out who or what is that perfect match.
It can be a revelation that can turn your world upside down. Instead of searching and searching, checking lists as the new prospects role in, or just sitting and waiting you can be living. Living a life thats full of new vigor and energy. Turning the old time into new time spent with God, the one who has been waiting for you. Time spent learning more about Him, how He loves you, and desires time and a relationship with you. You can find satisfaction, fulfillment and joy in turning everyday moments of your life into moments lived for Him. When we realize what we need to chase after is Him our need to be fulfilled by our old desires vanquishes. It's like a whole new freedom.
I'm not saying you still won't want to find someone to be with, or a nice job, or decent place to live. But the focus is not there. The expectancy and the pressure that you have to fulfill those desires or you won't live the happy life you want is gone. You no longer are looking for the answer. You have found the answer, and all else just isn't quite as important in light of His glorious face.